10 Tips on How to Lower Your Monthly Interest Payments

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Written By Lauris Krams

In the realm of personal finance, few subjects stir as much emotion as debt. It’s a word that conjures a spectrum of feelings, from shame and anxiety to hope and determination. The weight of debt can hang over us like a dark cloud, with monthly interest payments acting as a constant reminder of our financial burdens. 

Every month, a significant portion of our hard-earned money can get gobbled up by these interest payments, leaving less for saving, investing, or even just enjoying life. Lowering monthly interest payments is not just about saving money – it’s about reclaiming financial freedom and peace of mind. 

As the famous saying goes, “It’s not about how much money you make, but how much you keep.” And by understanding the significance of reducing interest payments, we equip ourselves with one of the most powerful tools to improve our financial health. So in this article let’s delve into why reducing these monthly interest payments can be a transformative step in your financial journey.

Why monthly interest payments matter

The power of compound interest is a double-edged sword. While it can work wonders for our savings and investments, when it’s on the side of our debts, it becomes a formidable adversary. Monthly interest payments can quickly balloon, especially if only minimum payments are made. 

With every passing month, a large part of our income might be directed towards just covering these interest charges. Then leaving us with the daunting task of managing our other day-to-day expenses. This can lead to a never-ending cycle where we’re constantly playing catch-up, never truly reducing the principal amount of the debt. 

This is why it’s super important to seek ways to lower those monthly interest payments and put ourselves back in control. Here’s how.

monthly interest payments

1. Refinance your debt

Refinancing involves taking a new loan to pay off one or more existing loans, ideally at a lower interest rate. This can be particularly useful for high-interest debts like credit cards or personal loans. 

By refinancing, you can lock in a lower interest rate, which directly reduces your monthly interest charges. Might seem tricky at first, but this could be a better solution.

2. Consolidate multiple debts

If you have multiple debts, especially high-interest ones, debt consolidation can be a great option. This means combining all your debts into a single loan, often at a lower interest rate. 

This approach not only simplifies your payments but also ensures that a significant chunk of your monthly payment goes towards reducing the principal rather than just covering the interest. 

3. Negotiate a lower interest rate

Many people don’t realize that they can sometimes negotiate their interest rates with lenders, especially credit card companies. If you’ve been a good customer with a strong payment history, the lender might be willing to offer a reduced interest rate. It never hurts to ask!

4. Make more frequent payments

Instead of making monthly payments, consider bi-weekly payments. By doing this, you’re reducing the principal faster, which means less interest accrues. Over time, this can lead to significant savings on interest.

5. Pay more than the minimum

Whenever possible, always aim to pay more than the minimum amount due. Minimum payments typically cover just the interest and a tiny portion of the principal. 

By paying more than the minimum, you reduce the principal faster, subsequently lowering the interest charged in the following months.

6. Avoid new high-interest debt

While this might sound like common sense, it’s worth emphasizing: avoid taking on new high-interest debts. 

This includes credit card debt, payday loans, or other forms of expensive borrowing. The less high-interest debt you accrue, the less you’ll have to pay in monthly interest charges.

monthly interest payments

7. Add a mortgage bond to the loan

A mortgage bond is essentially a secured loan where the borrower provides property as collateral to secure the debt. So by using a property or other valuable assets as collateral, lenders often feel more secure and may offer reduced interest rates in return. 

This can be an especially good option if you have a property with a good amount of equity in it. However, remember that this method comes with a risk. If you default on the loan, the lender can seize the property used as collateral.

8. Attract a guarantor

Having a guarantor on your loan can significantly reduce the risk perceived by the lender. A guarantor is someone who agrees to repay the loan in case you default on your payments. This added security can often translate to reduced interest rates. 

However, this method requires a lot of trust, as the guarantor is taking on a big responsibility. It’s essential to maintain open communication with them and ensure you meet your obligations.

9. Seek credit counseling

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt, consider seeking help from a credit counseling agency. These agencies can provide advice on managing your money and debts, help you develop a budget, and offer free educational materials and workshops. 

They might also assist in negotiating with creditors for lower interest rates. Overall a good help and definitely worth a try.

10. Save on daily expenses and pay off the loan faster

And lastly, remember that your everyday savings can accumulate into significant amounts over time. By cutting back on non-essential daily expenses, you can free up more funds to pay off your loan faster. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean depriving yourself – it could be as simple as cutting out that daily coffee shop visit, or cooking at home more often. The faster you reduce the principal amount of your loan, the less interest you’ll have to pay over its lifespan. So make it a habit to review your expenses regularly and identify areas where you can save.


Incorporating these strategies on how to lower your monthly interest payments can significantly impact your monthly interest payments. It’s about being proactive, informed, and disciplined in your approach. 

Check out our other articles about financial topics such as Making the most of overpaid taxes – where to invest your money.

Every decision you make today can either bring you closer to or push you further away from your financial goals. Choose wisely and take control of your debts, rather than letting them control you!